FM feedback
Updates on logged jobs
If you have logged a job and would like an update on its progress or have received a completion email but feel the issue is still not resolved, please request an update via the FM Helpdesk.
Share your thoughts
Your opinion is important to us – help us to understand your experience by sharing your thoughts on our services.
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What our customers say
“Garden 41 is my favourite place to eat lunch, I love the specials menu (please can we have bagel burgers every day) but mainly it’s just such a scenic place to get away for an hour.”
“Our cleaner in halls has become like a member of the family, the brilliant cleaning is just a bonus, we actually get up earlier in the morning just to see her smiley face.”
“What’s great about the Sports Centre is that there’s just so much to do, I like to workout and take a class but the Women Active programme and Park run as well. I think you can tell that the staff work hard to maintain the facilities, it always feels shiny and new when I walk in in the morning.”
Not satisfied with our services?
We’re sorry to hear that. In the first instance, we would always ask that you share this via FM Feedback. However, if you would like to escalate an issue you have raised, you can check whether it fits under our definition of a complaint by used the criteria below. Please note that sharing your opinions on our services without this criteria would not fall under our definition of a complaint and so would be dealt with via our FM Feedback system. We define something as a complaint if you are not satisfied with:
- the standard of a service you received
- something we have done
- something we have not done
If you would like to make a complaint, we are committed to resolving it at the time (Early Intervention stage). In the first instance, please direct your complaint to either the supervisor, team leader or administrator of the service, via [email protected] , the FM Helpdesk in person, or by calling 01695 584 455. In most circumstances we are normally able to resolve your complaint quickly and easily.
If you are still dissatisfied with the action we have taken to resolve your complaint at the Early Intervention stage, you can escalate it to the formal stage up to 14 days after receiving your original response from us by completing the FM complaints form.
To find out more about our commitment to customers, please read the FM Customer Charter.
Escalate a complaint