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Health Research Institute (HRI)

NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowships (ACFs) are tailored training posts, which incorporate academic and clinical training.

About the ACF

  • ACFs are designed for clinically qualified candidates who can demonstrate outstanding potential for a career in academic medicine or dentistry.
  • The training will require the ACF to spend 25% of their time undertaking academic training combined with clinical training in the remaining 75%.
  • A fellowship lasts for a maximum of 3 years (4 years for General Practitioners).

As an Honorary Clinical Fellow (HCF) at EHU, ACFs will be able to access relevant university systems to support undertaking academic work and training as part of the ACF programme. During the fellowship, ACFs will complete an original research project, and as an HCF attend valuable research-related support and development sessions facilitated by the Research Office, Health Research Institute, Faculties, and Library & Learning Services.

This role also brings excellent opportunities to link directly with experienced professors, researchers and academics within EHU and access administrative support and guidance via the ICAT office.

ACFs are expected to contribute to the EHU research environment and academic activity during their time with us. It is expected that ACFs will produce high quality research outputs affiliated to EHU. Also, ACFs will be expected to provide feedback on their experience during the programme via internal surveys.


  • All ACFs will have access to a £1,000 expenses allowance to attend approved academic conferences and training courses.
  • A £4,500 allowance over the course of the programme is also available to fund the cost of course fees related to research needs.

Our Current ACFs

Profile picture of Anna Zatorska

Dr Anna Zatorska – GPST1 Emergency Medicine:

“I am excited to utilise the ACF to deepen my understanding of multi-morbidity and its impact on diverse, underserved populations. Under the mentorship of Professor Greg Irving, I aim to develop research methodologies and design interventions that improve care for patients with complex health needs. A key focus of mine is enhancing patient participation in research, ensuring that studies reflect the priorities of those they aim to benefit. Additionally, I am passionate about improving health literacy, as I believe empowering patients with knowledge leads to better self-management and health outcomes.

Through the ACF, I also hope to strengthen my skills in multi-disciplinary collaboration, by working with healthcare professionals and patients to create holistic approaches to managing multi-morbidity. Ultimately, I want to ensure that the research I contribute to not only generates evidence but translates into meaningful improvements in patient care and reduces health inequalities.

Profile picture of Dr Samuel Kim

Dr Samuel Kim – ST3 Sports & Exercise Medicine:

“I am an academic clinical fellow in sports exercise medicine with an interest in preventative medicine and use of innovative methods and digital solutions. I am looking forward to working with Professor M Greig on multicomponent tests for screening, prevention and rehabilitation of ACL injuries.

During my ACF time, I am hoping to develop skills in various methodologies within the field of sports exercise medicine, with the aim of conducting research that is both meaningful and impactful. The opportunity to work in the Department of Sport and Physical Activity at EHU attracted me to this position, where there will also be further opportunities to collaborate with other disciplines and organisations.”

How to Apply

If you would like further information on ACFs, please visit the NIHR Academy website or contact us at the ICAT office.

Current ACF Resources

If you are a current ACF at Edge Hill University, you can find useful resources using the below link

ACF Resources