Medieval manuscripts and modern day messaging
Messaging: Orality, Texts and Connectives from Late Medieval to Present Day English’, investigated the extent to which digital writing practices are really ‘new’. Dr Marcus tells us more about this and how you can investigate similar themes on an English Language degree at Edge Hill University.
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Challenging the assumptions of autism
social issues and actually studied for her degree and PhD here at Edge Hill. Allison’s current research interest and teaching explores critical perspectives of autism and why societal views on autism need to change. Allison tells us more…
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Life in Lithuania
Real-world experience - English and creative writing
A degree in English or creative writing sets you up for a range of career options. There is support and opportunities available throughout your degree that will provide you with guidance and experience of the real-world.
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Children, food and the climate crisis
Reader in Sociology, Dr Richard Twine, is Co-Director of the Centre for Human-Animal Relations at Edge Hill University. His current research interests and teaching focus on climate change and the relationships between children, food, sustainability and the environment. We sat down with Richard to find out more.
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Ridicule is nothing to be scared of - Dr Andrew McInnes
Dr Andrew McInnes is a specialist in romantic-period literature. He has recently been awarded funding from the arts and humanities research council to be an early career leadership fellow for his research project the romantic ridiculous, exploring how ridiculousness can help us to develop new perspectives on the romantic period of 1750-1850.
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Release your inner entrepreneur
Professor of Leadership and Management, Paresh Wankhade, tells us what it takes to be an entrepreneur and leader in business and how you can develop these skills on a Business Degree at Edge Hill.
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Career enhancing opportunities - computing and IT
In the Department of Computer Science, one of our top priorities is to equip students with skills and knowledge to succeed in their future career.
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Reconciliation. Rehabilitation. Reintegration.
Dr Anna Bussu, tells how she brings first-hand experience of working within the international justice system to her teaching.
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Shoot for the stars
At Edge Hill, you'll be taught by experts like Dr Robert Lyon. Robert brings a wealth of experience and knowledge with him into the curriculum.