Seeing your student go off to university is an important step for you, as well as them. You may experience mixed emotions and students can experience similar feelings as they settle into their new home, make new friends and find their feet with a new way of life.
Here are our top five tips for how can you help your student to have a positive first month at University:
1. Get involved
Advise your student to get as involved as they can, and take advantage of any opportunities that come their way. There will be sports teams to join, clubs and societies to explore and activities organised by the University. The Students’ Union is a great place to start.
2. It is okay to miss home
If your student is homesick, reassure them that this is totally normal. Lots of other people will feel the same, and it probably won’t last long.
We offer support for anyone who needs it. Students can:
- speak to their Personal Tutor
- email [email protected]
- call into the Catalyst helpdesk to speak to an adviser.
3. Use the campus life team
The Campus Life team is a mix of staff and current students who are an excellent source of information/advice and can help students to settle into their new home on campus.
They can be recognised around campus in their red shirts and can be contacted using the details on their webpages.
4. Stay active
Suggest that your student take part in things they enjoy, and stay active. The Sports Centre is a great place for this, with a full-equipped gym, lots of different exercise classes and a swimming pool.
5. Make a difference
Signing up for voluntary work is an incredibly positive thing to be involved with. Not only that, your student can pick up essential skills that will boost their employability and also make friends along the way.
May 27, 2022