Thursday 14 March 7:30pm
A new project from Nat and Dani
The Polar Bear (Is Dead)
Have you ever thought about what it means to lose something forever? Someone you love? An entire species?
Nat and Dani are the best of friends and also theatre makers. They were working on a show about the climate crisis when they were both hit by sudden and devastating tragedies, just as the world was going into lockdown. Despite living 908 miles apart in different countries, they found a way to keep going.
This is a show about loss and being alone. It’s also about pies, the Spice Girls and what Nat’s mum’s thinks about the end of the world and Prestatyn beach. Essentially, it’s about hope.
Age guidance: 12+
Content warnings: References to death and bereavement
Duration: 60 minutes
Tickets: £10 / £8 concessions / £5 EHU Graduates / Free for EHU Students
Free for schools and colleges