Thursday 21 March 7:30pm
Company Carpi
Disunited Jukebox – A 21st Century Opera
Angry, serious, comic, inquisitive, personal and emotional…
Disunited Jukebox is a brand new opera about the bewildering state of the modern world, created by composer Gary Lloyd & choreographer Bettina Carpi.
Highly celebrated writers Mary Talbot, Neil Gaiman, Audrey Schebat, John Higgs and many others have created the specially written libretto for the opera, along with new writing talent such as Marissa Landy, community and youth input, and even a NASA astronaut.
Disunited Jukebox spans diverse topics from artificial intelligence, nature & climate, witchcraft, political landscape, neuroscience, refugee crises, technological progresses, our hopes & fears for the future… to mental health & conspiracy theories.
Opera singers Naomi Rogers, Olivia Carrell, Isabelle Mohan & Luca Wetherall join an ensemble of musicians drawn from the best orchestras in the UK including the Hallé Orchestra & BBC Symphony Orchestra, with contemporary dancers, including Company Carpi regular Lauren Tucker and youth & community dance groups, in this explosive performance.
Tickets: £10 / £8 concessions / £5 EHU Graduates / Free for EHU Students
Free for schools and colleges