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ACRE 2022 – Transitions and Transformations

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Thursday 14 July 2022, 9.30am

- Friday 15 July 2022, 4.30pm




Creative Edge



Delegates at a conference sitting around a table

Educational research in rapidly changing contexts

Annual conference for research in education (ACRE) 14 – 15 July 2022

Join us on our beautiful campus for what promises to be a welcoming and engaging event.

Visit our ACRE webpages to find out about the keynote sessions, speakers and topics. The page also includes the full conference programmes and all event timings.

We invite practitioners, independent researchers, ECRs and academics from within and beyond ‘Education’ to join us on our beautiful Ormskirk Campus for access to the latest research, engaged conversations, networking and professional development opportunities.

ACRE 2022 KeynotesACRE 2022 ProgrammeDownload the call for papers (for reference)

Who is this event for?

Current staff Partners Stakeholders


Get in touch with our event enquiries for queries associated with this event.