8-week Mindfulness-Based-Stress-Reduction (MBSR) programme for teachers

The Faculty of Education are delighted to be able to offer this course in collaboration with the Knowledge Exchange at Edge Hill University Office.
Course description
In the foreword to the 2022 Teacher Wellbeing Index, CEO Sinead McBrearty describes teachers as an ‘exhausted workforce’, stating that ‘stress and overwork’ have become ‘normalised in the education sector’ (Education Support, 2022). Teacher wellbeing is also part of the Ofsted agenda with the profession having the ‘highest rates of work-related stress, depression and anxiety in Britain’ (Ofsted, 2019). As a Headteacher, this is something that you will already be more than aware of – this is the lived experience of teaching for so many colleagues. Please keep reading, because this is your chance to break that cycle…
Building effective new habits and approaches to managing stress takes time – it’s neuroplasticity after all! And, because of this, it’s not something that can be achieved with a 1-day course. What if you could bring a wellbeing and Mindfulness programme to your staff that would give them weekly online support for 8weeks (and beyond) as they learn stress-reduction strategies and improve their wellbeing at the same time? This programme exists, and it is called Mindfulness-Based-Stress-Reduction.
- Thursday 9 May – Thursday 27 June
- Online – 8 weekly 2hr sessions
- Optional retreat day session
What is MBSR?
MBSR is an accredited Mindfulness and wellbeing programme with over 30 years of academic research behind its success. MBSR can help to:
- reduce staff absence
- reduce SLT time dedicated to supporting individual staff who experience stress and low morale
- reduce the negative impact of stress on your staff
- improve / strengthen staff resilience and robustness
- positively affect your staff wellbeing
- be Ofsted ready – strengthen your whole-school approach to promoting positive mental health and wellbeing
Course Delivery
8 weekly online sessions of 2hrs, plus one optional retreat day session.
By combining Mindfulness and neuroscience, your staff will be guided and supported by Natalie Reynolds, a Nationally Accredited Mindfulness-Based-Stress-Reduction teacher, who has almost two decades of Secondary Education teaching experience and has spent the last 9 years in Higher Education as a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Education at Edge Hill University. The focus of Natalie’s PhD is investigating the effects of MBSR as a method to reduce psychological distress, improve wellbeing and positively affect retention in teachers during the post-pandemic period.
If you have any questions please email [email protected]