Appendix 5 – Code of Conduct for Assessment Examination Candidates & Guidance for Invigilators: 2018-19
Part of: | Academic |
Part of: | Academic Regulations |
Part of: | Academic Regulations 2018-19 |
Part of: | Appendices 2018-19 |
This policy provides information on the conditions that apply to the submission of coursework and sets out the conduct that is expected of students during formal examinations. The policy also includes details of the procedure that will be followed by staff invigilating examinations.
Surprising Terms
- It is the responsibility of students to ascertain the time and place of the examinations they are taking. Failure to appear for examinations through misreading of the published timetable will not be accepted as an excuse.
- Students that are unable to attend an examination because of illness or any other cause must see that this information is passed immediately to Academic Registry. If it is a question of illness or other exceptional mitigating circumstances, students must follow the University’s procedures for the Notification of Exceptional Mitigating Circumstances (EMC).
- Students are required to bring with them to every examination they attend their UNICARD.
- No student may leave an examination venue during the first 30 minutes or the final 30 minutes of the examination.
- Students are expected to undertake examinations and other formal timed assessments at Edge Hill University (or Partner institution) as appropriate. There may however be exceptional cases where this is not possible and where students may request permission to undertake assessment from overseas. The request will normally only be considered for students whose country of domicile is outside the United Kingdom and for examinations that take place outside the University’s official term dates only.