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Appendix 17 – Fitness to Practise Procedures: 2021-22

Part of: Academic
Part of: Academic Regulations
Part of: Academic Regulations 2021-22
Part of: Appendices 2021-22

Edge Hill recognises that its academic awards may result in a professionally recognised qualification and that academic success alone may not meet all of the professional requirements for that award which might include for example, physical health, mental health, moral or behaviour matters. In confirming appropriate academic qualifications or admission to a professional body and/or statutory registration Edge Hill must be satisfied that the student will be a safe and suitable entrant to the given profession and the Professional Review Procedures are in place to set out the process that should be followed where there is cause for concern in relation to a trainees fitness to practice.

Surprising Terms

  • Where a student’s fitness to practice presents sufficient concern they may be required to withdraw from the programme
  • Students have the right to submit an academic appeal against the outcome of a Fitness to Practice Panel of Inquiry however disagreement with a decision made by a Panel of Inquiry shall not, of itself, form grounds for an appeal.