Appendix 10 – Repeat Year Policy: 2019-20
Part of: | Academic |
Part of: | Academic Regulations |
Part of: | Academic Regulations 2019-20 |
Part of: | Appendices 2019-20 |
An academic appeal is a request for a review of a decision of an academic body charged with decisions on student progression, assessment and awards. This includes Assessment and Award Boards, Malpractice Panels and Fitness for Practice Panels. Appendix 22 provides an impartial process and a clear framework for dealing with student academic appeals.
Surprising Team
- All academic appeals must be made using the Formal Notification of Academic Appeal Form, which is available from Academic Registry.
- Disagreement with a mark or grade, Challenges to academic judgements of examiners, Claims that academic performance was adversely affected where there is no independent, medical or other evidence to substantiate this and Complaints against the delivery of teaching and methods of assessment do not of themselves form grounds for an appeal.
- Academic appeals must be submitted to the Academic Registrar or nominee within 10 working days of the publication of results. Where an Appeal is submitted outside the specified deadlines it will normally be ruled invalid.
- The University disclaims all responsibility for any financial or other implications relating to the appellant, or any party acting on their behalf, in consequence of a decision, properly made, by the Assessment Board or the operation of these regulations for Appeals in academic assessment.
- Students who remain dissatisfied may refer their case to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA) for review. Referrals to the OIA are only accepted when all the University’s internal procedures have been exhausted.