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Store your data

Consider how and where you will store your data during and after your research.

Storage during the project

  • Where will you store and back up your data?
  • How many copies will you make?
  • Are your devices secure?
  • Do you have enough storage or do you need to ask your funder for funding for storage?
  • Are there disciplinary standards you will comply with?
Third-party storage
Sharing files with collaborators
Physical data

Storing data on laptops, computer hard drives or external storage devices alone is very risky and is against University policy. You should encrypt personal devices or audio/video recorders.

Storage after the project

Which data are of long-term value and should be kept? What is your plan to preserve and/or share the data?

Keep data of high value:

  • data underlying a publication;
  • data that is difficult or costly to collect;
  • data that is impossible to reproduce.

But remember that preserving data can cost time and money so you should think about what you need to keep and what you can discard.

What should I consider in deciding which data to keep?
Where should I store my data long-term?
How long should I keep my data?
How do I prepare my data for storage?
How do I dispose of unwanted data?

When you leave the University

If you are a staff member, the University normally owns your data. Consider: if your data are no longer of use, should you delete/destroy them? If the data should be kept, arrange for a supervisor or colleague at Edge Hill to take responsibility for them to minimise the risk of data loss.

If your data are in a publicly accessible repository, you do not need to transfer your data to a colleague, unless there are restrictions in place for access and/or re-use.

You must obtain permission from your Principal Investigator and/or Head of Department if you wish to retain data or copies of live data for personal use. If the data includes personal data, the request is likely to be refused unless it is clear that future use will be consistent with the terms of the consent given for the research (e.g. anonymisation).

Further support

For support with storing data or other questions about research data management, please contact Esther Byrom, Research Data Manager.