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We broadly investigate developmental issues related to human learning, among infants and children.  The research domains include perceptual, cognitive, and motoric processes. We are especially interested in infant’s social and cognitive development in the area of face perception, the perception of objects, and language development.

How do babies understand the world around them? How do babies learn from faces and objects? How do babies learn language? At Edge Hill University (EHU) Baby Lab, we conduct studies to answer these questions.

If you are interested in participating, register your baby’s details
EHU BabyLab logo

How do we learn from babies?

We use a variety of methods including behavioural observations and eye-tracking. In a typical study, your child will be sitting on your knees watching either a video or a puppet show. We record their looking times (which includes looking away as well).

What usually happens when my child and I are invited?

You will be contacted by one of the research team (with enhanced DBS disclosure) and invited to participate in one of the ongoing studies (either online or in person).

We have on-campus facilities available to accommodate you and your child’s needs, including:

  • on-campus parking
  • baby changing units
  • feeding area
  • kitchenette
On-campus BabyLab room. There are two colourful stools at either side of a children's bookshelf. There is a child's soft play mat on the floor. To the right of the room there is a single person desk with a computer on it.

Current studies

Funded studies

We have two face perception studies (cross-sectional and longitudinal). For these studies we are recruiting both 4-month-old and 9-month-old infants.

If you’re interested or would like to know more, drop us an email:

Two babies sitting in a playroom surrounded by baby toys
What is the difference between each study?
What does it involve?
What can I participate in?
Is this research funded?

Young baby holding hands with mother while walking.

Unfunded studies with project students

Generational Attachment study

We have a small unfunded study our Postgraduate student (Summer Cunningham) is conducting throughout July and August 2024. For this study, we are looking to recruit both the parent and baby (aged between 12 – 18 months) to the Babylab.

Please contact our lead researcher, Summer Cunningham for more information.

Other current and previous infant and child studies

How infants perceive faces of different categories
Effects of mask wearing on emotion recognition
Motor development in children

Research ethics

Our research is approved by the Ethics Committee at Edge Hill University. Data are confidential and anonymised where appropriate. You can ask for your data to be removed at any time. If there are any queries or concerns regarding this, please contact our EHU Baby Lab Team.

Meet the team


What do I do if I am interested?

We are always looking for children to participate in our studies. We generally recruit babies from 0 – 2 years old to be placed in our database. If you are interested in helping us, please register your baby here and we will contact you if your baby is eligible for one of our studies.

Register your baby’s details to participate Complete an MRes or PhD in the BabyLab
A baby is playing on a musical instrument toy

Keep up to date

How to find us

EHU Babylab is located in the Psychology Department (Ground floor of Law and Psychology Building – Room: LP 0.28) of Edge Hill University. This is building number 7 on the campus map.