Studying in the biology department can advance human knowledge and understanding in today’s world, so you can make a difference to tomorrow’s world.
Our department has an excellent reputation for quality. In an external QAA audit, we scored 23 out of 24 for Biology provision for our students – one of the highest scores in the country. We also offer excellent facilities located in a modern, purpose-built building to give you the skills and practical experience you need to succeed.
We are a close-knit community, and we treat our students as individuals. Our experienced lecturers teach courses in small, friendly groups, so everyone feels supported and connected. This also helps our team of tutors to provide high-quality support and guidance, as it allows them to understand how each student is progressing with their studies and the best ways to deliver an enjoyable academic experience.
The majority of the department’s teaching takes place in our well-equipped Biosciences building which features excellent ICT facilities, a range of laboratories (which are available to be booked by our students) and prep rooms. Students also have access to equipment such as Scanning Electron Microscopes, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) machines (for use in DNA analysis), and climate-controlled insectaries. The Edge Hill JEOL Imaging Centre houses our state of the art electron microscopy facilities.
View the JEOL Edge Hill Imaging Centre
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Department of Biology
Edge Hill University
St Helens Road
L39 4QP
United Kingdom