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BA (Hons) Sociology course preparation

To help you feel prepared for your BA (Hons) Sociology studies, we’ve gathered together a range of course related activities including suggested reading, useful websites and some great things to do right now. Read on to find out more:

Suggested reading

You’ll be given lots of information about which textbooks to read and introduced to the University Library, as well as the many ebooks we have for you to access, when you begin your studies in September.

In the meantime, there are a couple of books you might like to read before starting your degree if you can. We don’t recommend rushing out to buy texts before you arrive. But if you can pick some up second hand, borrow from a library or access online, we suggest:

Sociology of the Everyday
Power in Society
Critical Issues in Sociology
Introduction to Social Policy and Welfare
Introduction to Sociology and Social Theory
Exploring the Social World

Detailed and updated reading lists are included in the module handbooks, which are provided in the first session of each module.

Useful websites

You can see some of our cutting-edge research pertinent to your degree at the following links:

Things to do now

We don’t recommend too much preparation before arrival as you will have plenty to do when your course begins.

However, you might want to think about how you will prepare for study – which might involve clearing a space for study if you intend to study from your home or thinking about how you will manage your time in relation to caring, social and work obligations when you arrive to begin the programme. The programme is a full-time job and you should expect to work 40 hours a week!

You might want to make use of the books in the ‘Suggested texts’ section and get used to reading a good newspaper or magazines – Prospect or New Statesman – and try watching some good documentaries and TV news.  Channel 4 is the most in-depth but also check on BBC, Russia Today and Aljazeera for good preparation.

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