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Val Keeling

PGDE Post-14 Education Associate Tutor

Secondary, Further Education & Training

Department: Secondary, Further Education & Training




1973 – 1976 London Hospital Medical College London E1

Department of Tissue Immunology.

Research Technician (Immunogenetics) –  research using the processes of skin grafting and various in vitro and in vivo cell culturing techniques, with different strains of mice to determine the genetic basis of the humoral response.

HL-A tissue tying. Various publications.

1990 -2012 Riverside College Widnes WA8 7QQ

Specialist Area: Biosciences (Immunology, Genetics, Microbiology)

During my time at the College :

Lecturer Microbiology, Genetics Immunology, Histology and Mammalian Physiology at HND and FD level, Biology and key skills at a range of levels from GCSE to HND, to students aged from 16 to adults on the Access Programme.

Course tutor and curriculum leader for Access to Science, B.Sc(Hons) 1+3 Science, B.Sc (Hons) Biological Sciences, Foundation Degree Forensic Science

Overview of the quality of the Degree courses through college course team reviews university reviews and Academic Board.  Working with employers, Foundation Degree Forward and the LSDA when writing and validating the college’s Foundation Degree.

Head of Science, Engineering and IT, College Manager for higher education

Recruitment of students on higher education courses and liaison between QAA and HEFCE and the college, and responsible for preparation for OFSTEAD and QAA reviews. Liaison between the partner universities and the college to develop courses and ensure quality was maintained. In addition to the HE activities I was also involved in the observation of lessons in line with the college’s strategy for teaching and learning.

Experience as an external peer

On the Staffordshire University panel for the validation of the HND Firensic Science at Solihull College.

Member of the internal audit team at LJMU in preparation for the QAA collaborative review

Working in partnerships with FE colleges and higher education institutions

Member of the Merseyside College Association HE Policy Group

Member of the HE in FE managers network forum

On the Executive Board of the Greater Merseyside and West Lancashir Lifelong Learning Network I Edge Hill University being the lead HEI)

Member of the Widening Participation Board at Edge Hill University

Member of the Consortium Board at Liverpool John Moores University.

On the internal audit panel of Liverpool John Moores University

Member of the Edge Hill VASP as a FE representative.

2012 – present Edge Hill University, Ormskirk Campus, Faculty of Education

Associate Tutor