My journey to medicine all started by wanting to work with people, to keep them company and make them feel happy. I started by volunteering at a local nursing home, then attended talks hosted by doctors and shadowed at a hospital where I was able to observe operations and watch how doctors interact with patients, which gave me a real insight into the role. It was from that point on that I really knew that I wanted to help people and that Medicine was going to be my life passion.
Having early clinical exposure and hands-on experience is really important to me. I knew that Edge Hill was focused on approaching the holistic view of the patient and really focusing on the patient as a whole, not just viewing them as what they are being treated for.
I believe when a patient is admitted to hospital that it’s incredibly important that a doctor treats them as a whole. Not only does this approach provide better patient satisfaction but it also makes the patient feel understood and valued.
The scenery here is beautiful and the people at the University are really nice. I find that everyone here gives a great amount of support to students and the programme is really interesting. I have lived in various countries, from Italy to Nigeria and now England, so I feel like I can fit into many different places and it’s a part of who I am. Ormskirk is definitely a change from London.
There are lots of opportunities for students to be involved in. For example, I have joined a trial on interdisciplinary working with Nutrition students and it’s been a really enjoyable experience. I’m also on the Medical School Research & Evaluation Advisory Group, where we look at the research proposals the University receives and analyse how it would shape the future of learning, which has been a great experience.”
Keep pursuing your goal, because you will achieve it and it will be worth it.