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Sharon McAvoy

Senior Lecturer in Law

School of Law & Criminal Justice

Headshot of Sharon McAvoy

Department: School of Law & Criminal Justice

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Sharon McAvoy is a Senior Lecturer in Law with the module leader responsibilities for Family Law, Public Law and Lawyers’ Skills. Sharon previously worked in industry on projects for UK Military, Police and Civil Responders, before working in civil law as a Litigation Fee Earner. Sharon has researched the use of short-term custodial sentencing in England and Wales; the departure test, as set out in the Coroners and Justice Act 2009; theories of punishment; and the principle of proportionate sentencing. Sharon’s other research interest is in the area of child and family law. She has published one of the first papers which deals with the question of whether the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 is fit to cater with ongoing developments in reproductive science, and in particular, that the UK is set to become the first country to allow the creation of babies using DNA from three people.