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Ross Eaton

BA (Hons) Television Production Management

I was sure I wanted to work for BBC Sport and was lucky enough to join them working on the Olympics. It was so motivating to push myself into becoming this mini junior production manager and I feel that I’ve grown up in the last year.

I joined this degree as I always wanted to do something in the media, but the paperwork side is where my interest lie. I don’t want to be a cameraman or an editor, I want to make the schedules and the contracts.

During the second year of the course we are required to undertake some work experience and I felt that the BBC, with a base at Salford Quays, would have a number of opportunities for people like me.

I applied to them and, as I’d also had some experience working in a friend’s small production company, I was sure I wanted to work for BBC Sport and was lucky enough to join them working on the Olympics.

As part of the production manager’s team we had to ensure health and safety was covered, all passports were correct and that staff had the right medical documents. There was also a very wide range of other tasks to complete.

It was so motivating to push myself into becoming this mini junior production manager and I feel that I’ve grown up in the last year.

I’m now looking to focus my studies on brand new technologies as I like how old media production techniques and technologies are constantly being improved. Learning transferable skills is important so that you can go into any form of media.

I’m also looking to study the events management module. I think this will be really beneficial because, at the end of the day, television production is an event.

Being part of a society or a sports team makes your university experience so much better. I’m on the rugby team and you create this big family of people in your society. You also get to know people on the other sports teams.

Walking around campus you can guarantee you’ll say hello to three or four people every single day. It’s great