Megan Eastwood
BSc (Hons) Operating Department Practice

Many ODPs I worked with had trained at Edge Hill. Their knowledge, professionalism and dedication is a reflection of their training. They were the type of ODP I aspired to be.
Working in a children’s hospital is the best job in the world. It’s the little things like seeing a child smile for the first time when they’ve been poorly that makes it so worthwhile, it’s an amazing feeling.
I love being part of a big team of people all working together to help a patient. As a paediatric nursing assistant at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, I worked with a truly inspirational team caring for the most vulnerable children and their families. As much as I loved my job, though, I felt restricted. I wanted to expand my role, and began researching ways of doing this.
I’d never heard of Operating Department Practice (ODP) before I started working in theatres. I’d never thought of it as a specific career path. Many ODPs I worked with at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital had trained at Edge Hill. Their knowledge, professionalism and dedication are a reflection of their training. They were the type of ODP I aspired to be, so Edge Hill was always my first choice.
I was proud to represent ODPs on a trip to China. We were able to see how they train and deliver healthcare, and compare not only the UK and Chinese healthcare systems, but also the modern and traditional herbal hospitals in China. I wouldn’t have had this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity without financial help from Edge Hill’s Student Opportunity Fund.
I was selected to speak at a conference about my experiences during the trip. It gave me so much confidence, and it was fantastic to be able to network with senior ODPs, sharing all the things I’d learned.
University is all about discovery. Studying at Edge Hill has opened my eyes and given me the confidence to believe I am capable. It can be hard but it’s worth persevering – you never know where it will take you. The course has exceeded my expectations and opened up so many more opportunities than I ever imagined.