Joey Paros
Research Assistant

Email address: [email protected]
Joey joined Edge Hill in January 2020 and works as a research assistant on a BBSRC funded project with Dr Lorena Fernández-Martínez and Dr Jana Schniete.
Prior to this Joey completed an undergraduate degree at Liverpool Hope University in BSc Biological science in 2018. His dissertation was in “Electrophoretic Analysis of Soluble Factors from Mixed Bacterial Cultures” supervised by Dr Enrique Salcedo-Sora.
Joey completed an MSc in Industrial Biotechnology at Liverpool John Moores University in 2019. This focused on studying “Exosome based signalling in the embryo and congenital heart disease”, under the supervision of Dr Iain Dykes. Joey shared his findings at the Institute of Health and Research conference in Liverpool.
The current project with Dr Lorena Fernández-Martínez and Dr Jana Schniete investigates the regulation of antibiotic cryptic biosynthetic gene clusters from Streptomyces strains S.venezuelae and S.rimosus in ecologically relevant conditions. Furthermore, Joey has been delegated the task of designing and developing genetically modified S.rimosus strains.
The outcome of this project is the development of new and improved antimicrobial compounds with the potential to have significant biotechnological importance and applications in varying sectors.