Jaime Campfield
PGCE Secondary Geography with QTS
Everyday on my degree I feel I am making a difference.
I chose to study at Edge Hill because of its fantastic reputation for teaching and the good word of mouth I heard when mentioning I’d like to study here. Edge Hill is definitely a fantastic place to study and I’m so glad it was recommended to me. I’m happy it’s now my turn to recommend it to others. Studying a PGCE at Edge Hill is something you will thoroughly enjoy and cherish.
Everyday on my degree I feel I am making a difference and I have made so many memories. For example, during my teaching experience in Wales I took part in the School Eisteddfod, a day celebrating Welsh culture and traditions. This an event I thought I would never experience again since leaving school and thus it was a surreal and heart warming day for me. Edge Hill has enabled me to support and provide students with the same happy memories and experiences I had at school.
Edge Hill is such a supportive place to study. Since joining I have had so much support to shape my PGCE experience into a year that is personalised to me. For example, I have had support from Edge Hill to teach in Wales through the Welsh language as a Welsh speaking lecturer agreed to make the 5 hour journey (one way!) to observe me teaching. I’ve also completed a humanities course this year to learn how to teach History and RE with the help of Edge Hill’s enhancement opportunities.
The student hub is a lively building full of fantastic events that are great for student wellbeing. This makes the hub my favourite place on campus as whenever you walk in there is an event, culture or tradition being celebrated. For example, during my last visit to the hub there was a live string quartet playing. This is one of many events including the celebration of Chinese New Year and pancake day recently. Such events are great for students’ wellbeing and is so inclusive as it celebrates everyone from every walk of life.