Hannah Baskeyfield
BA (Hons) Primary Education with QTS

That moment when a child understands a concept for the first time, it’s the most rewarding thing.
I’ve wanted to be a teacher since I was at school myself. I was inspired by my own primary school teachers and wanted to make a similar difference to other children’s lives. That moment when a child understands a concept for the first time, it’s the most rewarding thing.
We’re so lucky to have such fantastic facilities at Edge Hill. Having a campus with a lake, green spaces and a Forest School means that we can bring the curriculum outdoors. For example, we can use the waterside area to look at different plant and animal habitats and link it to the Science curriculum, or we can just go outside and use found objects to make our teaching more fun and interesting. If it’s memorable to us as students, it will be memorable for our pupils in the future.
I’ve really enjoyed my teaching practice placements. The first was at my old primary school – it was lovely to go back but it felt a bit strange sitting next to my old Year 5 teacher in the staff room. I’ve also had placements in schools in disadvantaged areas as well as in more affluent areas. It’s been so interesting to see the different attitudes to learning and teaching, and I’ve learned how I can change and adapt my teaching to different settings.
Being involved in the Education Society has really brought me out of my shell and given me a lot of new skills. I’ve been involved in organising events for Education students and arranging visiting speakers to give talks on a range of subjects. Before I took on this role I would never have had the confidence to speak in public, but now I regularly introduce guests in front of up to 300 people in a packed lecture theatre.
The course overall has definitely met all my expectations. It’s been harder than I thought it would be, but with the support I’ve had from staff and my peers, I’ve not only done it but really enjoyed it too.