Ethan Pindard-Smith
BSc (Hons) Business and Management

The main opportunity my degree gave me was my application for the University Entrepreneurs Grant. This grant is a highly competitive competition where students across different universities send their business idea to be judged, and the most successful ones present their idea in front of panelists.
Growing up I always wanted to run my own business so naturally I looked for university courses that could help facilitate that. The business course at Edge Hill University was unique in the way it gave you practical experience of creating an innovative idea and strategizing how you would release it into market. The modules at Edge Hill were different to other universities and aligned more with what I wanted to learn. Also the University campus was the nicest campus I’d seen!
My favourite thing about my degree is the experience it gave me through the work placement I got to do marketing for a law firm. I also enjoyed meeting likeminded people on my course. My lecturers have been supportive throughout my whole degree whether it be when I ask for support on a certain area, or ask for advice on work experience and making myself stand out in the job market.
The main opportunity my degree gave me was my application for the University Entrepreneurs Grant. This grant is a highly competitive competition where students across different universities send their business idea to be judged, and the most successful ones present their idea in front of panelists. Although I didn’t get to the final stage, I did get to the penultimate stage, which taught me what potential investors look for, and I learnt how I could improve if I was given a similar opportunity. I also wouldn’t have been able to get as far as I did without the support of my personal tutor and the knowledge I learned in my lectures.
In terms of employability, my lectures were specifically designed to teach us what employers would find valuable and provided us with graduate attributes that would benefit us in any career we choose. The best thing about Edge Hill University to me is the vast opportunities they have available. Edge Hill has supported me through providing me with workplace opportunities that has developed my skillset, and they also helped me find my first part time job through their weekly careers email.
To someone considering the Business Management Degree at Edge Hill I would say think about what you want to do after University and research the degree to see if it aligns with your goals. If you do make the decision to go for it, take advantage of everything the University has on offer. After I graduate I hope to use my degree and experience to find a managerial role to give me experience of what it is like to manage people and run a project. I hope to then use this experience to create my own business.