Dr Mark Partington
Senior Lecturer in Sports Coaching
Sport & Physical Activity

Department: Sport & Physical Activity
Email address: [email protected]

Mark coordinates and teaches several modules that integrate pedagogy, sociological thinking, and practical knowledge in sports coaching. His research interests are coaching practice, coach learning, and the influences on coaches’ practice and learning. Mark has been a professional coach in participation, development, and performance sports domains. He currently coaches in a professional English youth football academy and supports coach development in many different contexts.
- The impact of video feedback on professional youth football coaches’ reflection and practice behaviour: a longitudinal investigation of behaviour change
- An investigation into coach developers’ theories in practice, learning and development on a Continuing Professional Development course
- A Deconstruction of Coaching Philosophy
- An investigation of professional top-level youth football coaches’ questioning practice
- A Systematic Review of Coach Feedback During Practice and Competition in Team Sports