Dr Kelly Marrin
Associate Head of Department (Planning & Quality)
Sport & Physical Activity

Department: Sport & Physical Activity
Email address: [email protected]

Research Interests
Kelly completed her PhD entitled “Relationships between human pineal function and thermoregulation at rest and during exercise”. This reflects her main areas of research including circadian rhythms and thermoregulation. In addition to this, Kelly has conducted a number of projects relating to anthropometric and physiological characteristics of elite water polo players. She has keen interest in applied sports performance with further research relating to the physiological profiling of various athletes, reliability and validity of tests, monitoring of sports performers, fatigue, intermittent team sports and fixture congestion.
Kelly is Programme Leader for Sport & Exercise Science. Kelly joined the Department in August 2004, having previously worked as a sports science lecturer in both Further and Higher Education. In addition, she has taught in professional soccer academies has a number of years experience within the fitness industry.
- Physical Response to a Simulated Period of Soccer-Specific Fixture Congestion
- Biomechanical and physiological response to a contemporary soccer match-play simulation.
- Influence of nocturnal and daytime sleep on initial orthostatic hypotension.
- A meta-analytic approach to quantify the dose–response relationship between melatonin and core temperature
- Diurnal variation in vascular function: Role of Sleep