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Dr Edwin Burns

Senior Lecturer in Psychology



I’m a psychologist who is interested in vision in neurotypical and neuropsychological/neurodevelopmental groups. A significant proportion of this work has focused on individuals who suffer from developmental prosopagnosia, a lifelong condition characterised by severe difficulties recognising facial identity. Unfortunately, most of the people who believe they have prosopagnosia will not receive a diagnosis using current approaches to testing. I hope to remedy this through my latest research (Burns et al., 2022).

I am also interested in how we perceive a face when it is viewed with other faces nearby. This can often lead to a phenomenon called a cheerleader or friend effect, where the presence of others can make us appear more attractive or trustworthy. My recent paper (Burns et al., 2021, Cognition) drew many of these effects together in a framework that will help authors understand the myriad of influences on such phenomena.

Please get in touch with me at if you have any questions about my work, would like to study for a fully funded PhD (open to candidates worldwide), or if you would like to be tested for prosopagnosia. PhD applications are often open near closing dates in January or summer.