Charlotte O’Callaghan
Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical School
Dr Charlotte O’Callaghan is a Senior Lecturer in Medical Education at Edge Hill University. She has an interest in assessment and in supporting students to develop clinical reasoning skills. Charlotte completed her undergraduate medical training in Liverpool before undertaking specialty training in Psychiatry in the Mersey Region. She has been on the Specialist Register for Old Age Psychiatry since 2009 and has worked as an NHS consultant leading liaison, community and inpatient services for older adults with mental illness.
Charlotte is a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Educators. She leads on two aspects of the MBChB programme: Case- and Team-Based Learning and the Sociology Theme. She provides teaching on a broad range of clinical, ethical and legal topics, and is an OSCE examiner for the MBChB and Physician Associate Programmes. She has previously led on the Public Health theme for the Foundation Year for Medicine Programme at Edge Hill University. Charlotte has previously been an honorary lecturer on the University of Liverpool MBChB programme. She has extensive experience of organising and providing post-graduate healthcare teaching to medical and non-medical clinicians in both university and clinical environments.
University Responsibilities
Charlotte chairs the admissions and assessments data sub-group of Edge Hill University Undergraduate Medical School Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Working Group, of which she is also a member.
External Engagement
Charlotte is a member of the Medical Schools Council Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Alliance. She is also a member of the BeSST (Behavioural and Social Sciences Teaching in Medicine) network.
Research Interests
Charlotte’s PhD utilised social network analysis and social capital theory to develop a new means of assessing the value of educational interventions for healthcare professions educators. She sits on the Medical School Research Advisory Group.