Alice Featherstone
BA (Hons) Education and English
Edge Hill offers constant support for students no matter what the problem is, which is something I found very helpful in my first year.
I like to push myself outside of my comfort zone. I’m a natural ‘joiner’ so when I got to Edge Hill, I decided to get involved in as many things as I could, even if I’d never done them before just to meet people and make the most of being at university.
I started getting involved in student life from day one. I wrote a blog for the University about being a student also became a Student Guide on open days. I really enjoyed delivering campus tours, pointing out the places that swayed my decision to come here or meant something special to me.
I genuinely loved being at Edge Hill. I feel like Edge Hill puts so much into making sure you have a great student experience, it makes you want to give something back.
Saying “yes” to something leads to more opportunities. It’s like a snowball effect. I’ve really surprised myself with what I’ve achieved since I’ve been here.
I’ve always loved going to museums and galleries. As a child I was fascinated by the costumed characters that helped visitors understand the exhibits and wanted to be one of those Victorian women or famous artists when I grew up
Thanks to Edge Hill, I’ve discovered the kind of educator I want to be. I originally thought about becoming a teacher, but I knew my interests lay beyond the classroom. Seeing people who were interested in art, culture and history was contagious and it sparked a passion in me for studying education and English.