Alex Owusu Amoakoh
Research Interests
My research focuses on understanding the ecological and social variables underpinning the decision-making process related to conservation, natural resource and environmental management, and sustainable development. I am particularly interested in the role of local communities in the management of forest and coastal systems, protected areas, and otherwise fragile landscapes. I am also interested in forestry and climate change. Before joining Edge Hill University, I worked as a natural resource management practitioner with Hen Mpoano, an NGO in Ghana focused on fisheries and coastal zone management where I facilitated the establishment of various co-management structures for natural resources management.
My PhD research is focused on understanding how land use decisions at multiple scales influence wetland landscape sustainability and the livelihood of wetlands dependent households. I am particularly interested in how multi-scale governance concepts apply to coastal wetland landscapes management, the spatial implications of land use decisions taken at the local, regional and national levels, the potential of wetland conservation for improving household livelihood, and identifying strategies necessary for sustainable management of coastal wetlands within certain context. I use social research methods and remote sensing techniques to address these questions.
Technical reports
- Amoakoh A, Aplin P, Awuah K.T, Delgado‐Fernandez I , Moses C. 2021. Testing the Contribution of Multi‐Source Remote Sensing Features for Random Forest Classification of the Greater Amanzule Tropical Peatland. Sensors (IF 3.275) Available here
- Habib Y, Abagale FK, Amoakoh AO, JengreN & OwusuKA. 2017. Stimulating Riparian Buffer on Agricultural Landscapes: A Review from Water Management and Climate Change Perspective in Ghana. Elixir Environ. & Forestry 109(2017) 48059-48063
- Amoakoh AO, Nortey DDN, Sagoe F,Amoako PK&Jallah CK. 2017. Effects of pre-sowing treatments on the germination and early growth performance of Pouteria campachiana, Forest Science and Technology, 13:2, 83-86, DOI:10.1080/21580103.2017.1315961
- Amoako PK, Amenuvor M, Baidoo A, Asamoah EF, Amoakoh AO. 2017.Assessment of the Growth of Leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala) Seedlings on Amended Tailings. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp: (25-28), Month: January – March 2017, Available at:
- Amoakoh AO, Sagoe F, Nortey DDN, Assumadu R&Gormey B. 2017.Contributions of community-based groups towards sustainable forest management in Western Ghana; a case of communities fringing Cape Three Point forest reserve. North Asian International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary ISSN: 2454 – 2326 vol. 3, issue 1, Jan. 2017
- Jallah CK, Amoakoh AO, Boateng K, Nortey DDN&Assumadu R. 2017.Community participation in forest management in the Bleih community forest, Nimba county, Liberia. North Asian International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary ISSN: 2454 – 2326 Vol. 3, Issue 1, Jan. 2017
- Mensah J, Amoakoh AO, Kankam S. 2015. Ankobra River Estuarine Community Climate Vulnerability Assessment. The USAID/Ghana Sustainable Fisheries Management Project (SFMP). Narragansett, RI: Coastal Resources Center, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island and Hen Mpoano. GH2014_ACT023_HM 70 pp, Available at:
- Moses S, Amoakoh OA, Ofori-Boateng C, Agyekumhene A, Nortey DDN, Nani F, Balangta C. 2016. Terrestrial Ecological Survey (Flora and Fauna) of the Greater Amanzule Wetland. The USAID/Coastal Sustainable Landscapes Project (CSLP). Wildlife Division (Forestry Commission) and Hen Mopane
Conference presentations
- Amoakoh AO, Kankam S. (2017) Impact of Climate Change on Local Livelihoods; a Case Study of Ankobra Estuarine Communities. Conference on fisheries and coastal environment, Centre for Coastal Management, UCC, Accra, Ghana.
Awards and grants
- 2018 John Denham award finalist for Community Engagement in Conservation. Ecology Project International.
Learned society membership
- Society for Conservation Biology
- Royal Geographical Society (IBG)
Public/media engagement
- Amoakoh AO, Kankam S. (2017) Impact of Climate Change on Local Livelihoods; a Case Study of Ankobra Estuarine Communities. Conference on fisheries and coastal environment, Centre for Coastal Management, UCC, Accra, Ghana.