Mind, Brain and Memory: On the interaction of ‘folk psychology’ and educational science
The term ‘folk psychology’ is normally used disparagingly by advocates of the claim that our everyday or ‘common sense’ beliefs about the mind in should and will be superseded by the findings of the ‘cognitive sciences’, neurobiology and psychology.
Prof David Aldridge will argue, firstly that certain folk metaphors or assumptions persist in the educational sciences and are particularly influential in determining their objects of study, the interaction between different explanatory layers, and claims made for their application to the classroom. Secondly, Prof Aldridge will suggest that certain common sense beliefs concerning mind, knowledge and bodies can be restored if they are properly construed to be beliefs about education rather than psychology. This also serves to set some boundaries for the application of ‘educational science’ to educational practice.
5.00pm Registration & tea & coffee / Networking
5.30pm Lecture begins
6.30pm Q&A followed by refreshments
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