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Widening Access and Student Success Strategy

2024/25 to 2027/28

Our Widening Access and Participation Strategy brings to life our Access and Participation Plan (APP), clearly articulating our areas of priority for 2024/25 to 2027/28, and how we will measure our success in supporting students at risk of equality of opportunity to thrive at Edge Hill University. Our vision is to have a whole university approach to access and student success, and to contribute to a fair and transparent sector, where all those with potential have parity of access and success within Higher Education.

Through this strategy, our ambition is to be a place where students from all backgrounds feel they belong, are supported to succeed academically and have the knowledge and opportunities to achieve their potential. This strategy focuses our efforts on the areas that need our attention most, and sets out the collaborative, shared targets we must work on together over the next four years.