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UniSkills Toolkits

UniSkills toolkits are a suite of online, interactive learning resources which focus on a specific academic skill or topic.

All UniSkills toolkits have been created by our team of knowledgeable Academic Skills Advisors and have undergone a thorough review process (a bit like peer reviewing a journal article). Academics from across the University, professional support staff and current Edge Hill students have all participated in evaluating each of the toolkits to ensure the contentstructure and design are accurateaccessible and engaging.

Select a topic below to launch a toolkit:

We also have four introductory academic skills toolkits. These are a great place for new or returning students to begin their learning journey. We share our Getting Started With UniSkills toolkits with pre-enrolled students before they arrive at Edge Hill – you may remember exploring them yourself before you started:

The SpLD Team also have a collection of toolkits exploring Specific Learning Differences to help you develop autonomous study skills strategies.