Psychology Society
Want to join a vibrant community of Psychology students? Why not become a member of our Psychology Society “PsychSoc”?
PsychSoc is a society “by students, for students” to help provide a supportive community for students studying in our Department. If you are a current student, you can join by visiting the Student Union website and logging in with your university details.
Aims of PsychSoc
Organising guest lectures
Guest talks from professionals in the psychological field (previous lectures have included talks from Professor Alan Baddeley).
Arranging social events
These range from more chilled meet-ups during the day, to themed events in the SU/Ormskirk. All these events cater for everyone, with alcoholic and non-alcoholic options always available when in bars.
Organising study group sessions
These will be organised based on member request for specific topics. These may be focused on a specific topic which you may find challenging or on general skills such as using SPSS.
Being a peer support network
This can help support personal or university-related difficulties, and all events are safe spaces where everyone is welcome.
PsychSoc committee

President, Corey Hindley
BSc Psychology, first year undergraduate student

Vice President, Leah Else
BSc Psychology, first year undergraduate student

Secretary: Wilson Hubbold
BSc Psychology, first year undergraduate student
Treasurer, Eloise Bakewell
BSc Psychology, first year undergraduate student

Equality and Diversity officer:, Aimee Barlow
BSc Psychology, first year undergraduate

Social Secretary, Kaitlin Hilton
BSc Educational Psychology, first year undergraduate student