Dr Tim Saunders
MA Education (Leadership) Pathway Lead
Primary & Childhood Education
Department: Primary & Childhood Education
Email address: [email protected]

I am the MA Pathway Lead for Educational Leadership drawing on 16 years experience as a Headteacher with a Masters in educational management, PhD in school leadership and am a member of The British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society (BELMAS).
I am also a SAPERE Level 1 Trainer in P4C (Philosophy for Children) and love to apply the 4Cs of caring, critical, creative and collaborative thinking in my teaching, building communities of inquiry at all levels of education.
I have lived and taught throughout the North West of England, along many of the rivers that flow into the Mersey (Sett, Goyt, Bollin and Irwell), eventually washing up in Liverpool a stone’s throw from the estuary at Otterspool.
Research Interests
- Integrative Educational Leadership
- Mindful Educational Leadership
- Toxic Leadership
- Leadership Co-Coaching and Support
- Religion and Worldviews Education
- Education for Sustainable DevelopmentĀ
- Living Educational Theory
- MA (Education) Educational Leadership