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Dr Seán Henry

BA Education and joint honours programmes

Secondary, Further Education & Training

Photo of Lecturer in Education Sean Henry

Department: Secondary, Further Education & Training

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I have been working as an academic at Edge Hill University since 2022, first as a Lecturer (2022-2024), and now as a Senior Lecturer in Education and Cultural Studies (2024-Present). 

Alongside my colleague, Dr Carol Darbyshire, I act as Co-Programme Leader for the Department’s BA Education and Joint Honours programme, as well as EDI Lead for the Faculty of Education.

I previously worked as an Assistant Lecturer in Philosophy of Education at Maynooth University, and as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Research Centre on Inclusive and Equitable Cultures, Technological University Dublin. 

Email: [email protected]

Research Interests

I have research interests in: religion and education; sexuality, gender, and education; and philosophy of education. 

I currently supervise Masters and doctoral students in these areas, and welcome inquiries from prospective students. 


I have taught and currently teach modules across the fields of education studies, religious studies, and religious education.