Gavin Davenport
Lecturer in Primary and Childhood Education (Computing)
Primary & Childhood Education
Department: Primary & Childhood Education
Email address: [email protected] View full profileProfile
Lecturer in Primary and Childhood education with a specific focus on Primary Computing. Gavin has taught in English schools for 17 years, spending time as a class teacher at all phases including EYFS, Keystage 1, Keystage 2 and Secondary SEND settings, as well as training as a specialist reading intervention teacher with UCL. He has extensive experience of 1:1 and small-group interventions for literacy using a range of pedagogical approaches.
Leadership experience in schools has involved Computing (including earning the Computing Quality Mark, and several years of Online Safety awards) EAL (Including School of Sanctuary award), Music, Art (Including Arts Mark accreditation), Design & Technology. In these roles he developed extensive experience of working with external partners including Liverpool Philharmonic and Creative Partnerships. He is motivated by the creative potential afforded by primary education.
Additional accreditation has included Senior Professional Development Lead for the National Centre for Computing Education, and Apple Certified Teacher Status.
Research interests
Research interests include:
- Primary computing
- Physical computing & concrete scaffolding in primary schools
- Linguistics & computing
- Curriculum design & creativity
- Educational policy
- Arts organisations
- Professional Pathologies & leadership behaviours
- Legitimation Code Theory (LCT)
- Civic Society
Previous research in education, history, architecture and oral cultures. Experience in planning, management, deployment and evaluation of arts education projects in England.
Gavin teaches on several courses across Edge Hill’s QTS programmes, including BA (hons) PGCE and part-time courses. He is the lead for computing within the foundation subjects and is a second year module lead. He is also a 2nd year Personal Academic Tutor and placement Link Tutor.