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Amanda Hughes

Graduate Teaching Assistant

amanda hughes


Research Interests

I have a general interest on volcanic products and magmas, specifically their geochemistry, how they evolve over time, and the mechanisms controlling this. My MSc research focussed on the petrogenesis of Icelandic high silica rhyolites, exploring how these, unusually high silica content rhyolites, are generated.

During my PhD I will be studying the volcanic and geochemical evolution of a stratigraphically-constrained sequence of tholeiitic lavas and intrusions at Thingmúli volcano in Eastern Iceland. My research will primarily involve geochemical modelling and petrography, to characterise changes in the magma over time. The lavas at Thingmúli volcano have been well documented and studied, however without considering in detail their temporal evolution. My research, using the case study of Thingmúli, will improve the understanding of geochemical temporal trends, particularly of trace elements during the evolution of tholeiitic magma. The project also aims to improve the understanding of Icelandic magmatic processes, clarifying geochemical distinctions between rift and flank zones. This will improve the knowledge between processes and magmatic sources in these different tectonic settings.

Conference Presentations

Hughes, A., Cortés, J., McGarvie, D., Tuffen, H., 2022. The occurrence and petrogenesis of Icelandic High Silica Rhyolites. VMSG Conference, Manchester.

Awards and Scholarships

  • Academic achievements award Edge Hill University (2018-2019)
  • Institute of Quarrying National student award (2018-2019)
  • Undergraduate Mapping project field materials and report. Awarded 2nd runner up for the David Johnston Mapping prize within the Tectonic and Magmatic studies group (2019-2020)
  • Lancaster University departmental scholarship award (2020-2021)

Society Memberships

  • Fellow of the Geological Society of London (2021)