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Talks and workshops

Request a talk or workshop

The team offer a range of workshops and presentations that can be delivered to sixth form/college students as well as their parents and supporters depending on where they are in the cycle; pre, during or post application process.

All sessions can be flexible in terms of time slot and duration. Sessions can be delivered on campus as part of a bespoke visit or off campus within your school or college (unless otherwise specified below)

If you would like to request a talk or workshop please use the purple button above.

Pre application process
These sessions focus on the research stage for students including how to choose a course and university, preparing for university study and what subjects are like to study at university. Click the dropdown arrow on the right to see the range of sessions available.
Application process
These sessions focus on supporting students through their application process; such the UCAS application, writing a personal statement as well as how to make their application stand out. Click the dropdown arrow on the right to see the range of sessions available.
Post application process
These sessions focus on what happens after UCAS applications are submitted; such as making the transition to university study, student finance, budgeting as well as the support services on offer at university. Click the dropdown arrow on the right to see the range of sessions available.

Introduction to Higher Education (Virtual recording)

The team have developed a virtual recorded Introduction to Higher Education talk for Years 7-11 that you are able to show within your school during assemblies, form time or via student/parental portal systems. We have two versions available; one which is aimed at Years 8-9 and one aimed at Year 10-11.

These sessions focus on the journey from high school to university, introducing students to university life, entry requirements, courses and the difference between school and university.

To request the link for these presentations please use the purple button above.