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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

Strategy and governance

Equality, diversity and inclusivity (EDI) is extremely important, and a steering group (EDISG) has been established, with the purpose of determining key strategic priorities. The EDISG will aim to raise the profile of EDI at Edge Hill, and to create a safe and fair community. We have launched an EDI Strategy and a five-year action plan.

Shot of a young businessman having a brainstorming session in a modern office.

Equality, diversity and inclusion strategy and goals

Our principles of inclusivity run as threads throughout everything we do, fostering a sense of belonging and creating an environment where all people are valued for who they are. We want Edge Hill University to be an inclusive place to work and study. We aim to create opportunities and reduce barriers for everyone, particularly under-represented groups. 

Our EDI strategy and action plan sets out our commitment and our overall mission is for Edge Hill University to be a place where:

  • all students and staff feel safe and supported.
  • students and staff can achieve their very best in their work and study realising their full potential.
  • diversity is both celebrated and used to support the University’s growth.

People plan

Our people plan aims to describe the approach the University will take to the leadership, management and development of our staff. It is based on four key areas of focus that aim to support the realisation of the University Strategy by developing:

  • Ambition – we are an ambitious University where informed leaders at all levels can articulate our aims, engage people in our mission and empower others to aim higher.
  • Inspire – we have an inspiring culture and an environment where people want to come to study, work or visit because you feel listened to and are part of something and able to influence.
  • Innovate – we are an innovative, modern and exciting University that strives to realise all potential to enhance the student, staff and visitor experience.
  • Evolve – we are always evolving, able to adapt and are clear of where we are heading. We take personal responsibility in knowing what actions we need to take along the way.

Gender Pay Gap Reports

View Edge Hill’s Gender Pay Gap Reports archive.

Gender Pay Gap reports

EDI steering group

The EDISG group provides a formal setting for staff representatives to lead on all areas of equality and diversity work in relation to staff and students. The group have responsibility to advance the delivery of the EDI Strategy and Action Plan. The Steering group consists of representations from across the University. They have been selected to reflect a range of directorates and levels of responsibility. 

Institutional Health and Safety Committee

Planning and monitoring related to organisational wellbeing are reported to the Institutional Health and Safety Committee.