Edge Hill University offers a number of free Subject Knowledge Enhancement (SKE) and Subject Booster courses for Secondary PGCE applicants.
These flexible, free enhancement courses are aimed to support you in developing your subject knowledge to prepare to teach the subject effectively to learners.
If you have applied to study one of our Secondary PGCEs in Chemistry, Computing, Mathematics or Physics and require enhancement of your subject knowledge, then we have the right SKE course for you.
If you have applied to study a Secondary PGCE in English, Religious Education or Biology, you may be required to complete an Edge Hill Subject Booster course.
All SKE and Subject Booster courses are linked below.
Subject Knowledge Enhancement courses
Subject Booster courses
Why complete an SKE or Subject Booster course?

Successful completion of an SKE or Subject Booster course may form part of the conditions of an offer of a place to study on the corresponding PGCE.
The courses help to identify areas for development and provide a range of opportunities for additional study in your specialist subject.
As such, the course structure and length of study is flexible and varies depending on your individual subject knowledge requirements. These requirements are assessed during your application. Each two-week unit typically entails 50 hours of learning time, with a blend of taught input and supported self-study.
When applying for any of our SKE and Subject Booster courses, you will be required to read our Privacy Notice document.
Contact us
If you have any questions you would like to ask about our SKE or Subject Booster courses, please get in touch with the team who will be happy to assist you.