Luke Turner
BSc (Hons) Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

Before I applied, I thought clearing was for the purpose of just potentially getting a place at university. That there was a slight chance that you would get a place only if there were still places available. It came to be that it took less than a few days from applying for the course to being enrolled on the course, and a day or so after I got a place to live on campus too.
Why did you enter Clearing?
I was originally doing an apprenticeship as a Crane Engineer, but I realised that it wasn’t an area that I wanted my future career to be in. I wanted to get back into Computer Science so I applied to direct Edge Hill as my first choice university through
. I came across Edge Hill which offered programmes in Engineering and Computing. Computing was more computer science based and had courses related to Robotics which was a particular area of interest for me.
What was your perception of Clearing before you went through it?
Before I applied, I thought clearing was for the purpose of just potentially getting a place at university. That there was a slight chance that you would get a place only if there were still places available. It came to be that it took less than a few days from applying for the course to being enrolled on the course, and a day or so after I got a place to live on campus too. The process was quick and easy. If Edge Hill didn’t offer places in clearing, I would still be doing an apprenticeship that I didn’t enjoy, so it was a very positive experience for me that I was able to apply through clearing to enrol on a course I love doing.
What factors made you settle on the course you chose?
I chose Edge Hill as I found the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence course really interesting. After reading into the modules I knew it was the right course for me. There was a module in particular called ‘Programming: concepts to construction’ that was all about coding which was something I enjoy doing the most. I also wanted to have a career in computer science and coding and was interested in the industry of machine learning and robotics. I was also drawn to the campus and the area that the University is in.
Did you do any research about Clearing prior to receiving your results to prepare?
I did some research on comparison websites for universities that offered computer sciences courses and I came across Edge Hill. I found that it had the course I wanted to do, as well as a large and open campus. I applied more or less straight after reading about the University and the course. I also applied to John Moores in Liverpool, but Edge Hill was my first choice. My brother studied at Edge Hill and a few family friends have been to Edge Hill so I knew from them that it was a good university to go to.
Did you attend a Clearing open day and, if so, how was it?
After I applied, I visited the campus for an Open Day. It was very good and I learned a lot of information about my course and the computer science department and all of the facilities the campus had to offer. When walking round the University I was thinking how nice the campus is and that the facilities on campus were great and all in one place. All of the staff and students I spoke to were very helpful and couldn’t be nicer.
Was there a specific reason you chose to apply to Edge Hill in Clearing?
As I was already doing an apprenticeship and already had my grades, I didn’t apply to university the traditional way. I applied at the end of August so I chose to go through Clearing as this was the only way for me to secure a place at university for September.
How did you find the process of applying to Edge Hill in Clearing?
I found out about the clearing process through the Edge Hill website. I wouldn’t change anything about the process itself. It was fast and very quick and efficient in the short period of time I had before starting the course. I rang the University up after I applied to check on the enrolment process and what was happening. The staff were very helpful. They had all the information I needed and worked hard to keep me updated on what the situation was. They made sure that I knew all of the important information about the course and the campus before starting.
Did you find a place to live easily?
A few days after I was enrolled, I had the chance to pick my preferred accommodation on campus and I was lucky enough to get my chosen flat. I did some research about the accommodation on campus before I went to the Open Day and I found that Palatine Court was the one I wanted to stay in after seeing the photos on the website. On the Open Day I went to the flats and had a tour of Palatine Court and then realised that this was the accommodation I wanted to live in for my first year.
Have you enjoyed your course and time at uni so far?
My course has been difficult at times but overall I have loved studying the course I chose. I enjoy the computer science and programming side of my course the most as this is what I enjoy doing in my spare time. The artificial intelligence and robotics side of the course I will be studying in second and third year is what I am looking forward to studying the most. The most challenging part of my course is doing calculus and discrete mathematics as it’s quite difficult, but I have now completed and passed it. All of my lecturers and tutors have been very helpful and respond fast to any questions I’ve asked on email as well as in classes.
What advice would you give to students who find themselves in Clearing?
I would tell people to trust the process and be patient. It took a few days for me to know if I been accepted at the University. Anyone thinking about Edge Hill will have a great time studying here and being at the University.