Hafsah Nakhuda
BSc (Hons) Secondary Mathematics Education with QTS

I really like the passion all the lectures have at the university. This was something that really stuck with me when I first came to the open day.
I believe I have the enthusiastic personality I need to help challenge the students and push them to become better even when it seems impossible which is one of the reasons I chose this course. I hope to be able to teach children Mathematics, which is a subject not many enjoy.
I wish to inspire and motivate children especially girls like myself to help them excel in STEM subjects to increase their confidence and ability in Mathematics.
Maths was a subject which I never personally liked when I started school but as I learnt and understood it more my enthusiasm for the subject grew. This was largely due to having such an inspiring teacher who pushed me to do better. I hope to have this same impact on students when I teach them.
Edge Hill feels like a small community. When choosing to study, I based it a lot on the environment of the university. I preferred the nice and quite atmosphere Edge Hill has to offer over the busy universities at the centre of large cities.
I really like the passion all the lectures have at the university. This was something that really stuck with me when I first came to the open day.
I have developed my communication skills a lot during my degree. A huge part of teaching is communicating information effectively to both students and staff. Other skills would include dedication and confidence. These have developed a lot over the three years and have really helped me during my school placements.
I feel like I am inspiring students in their mathematics lessons’. One of the most memorable moments has been when I am leaving my placements. The reason for this isn’t because I’m leaving the school, it’s more due to the students. Seeing them for a final time and hearing them say they want me to stay will stay in my heart.
I like how during the degree you learn about different aspects of both teaching and maths throughout the year. The way the modules are all spread out instead of just having a chunk of teaching pedagogy squashed towards the end of the year when we’re about to go on our placements. It helps us to develop over the years as a teacher and helps us to improve in our own knowledge of the subject we are teaching.
The best thing about Edge Hill is the feeling of a small community on campus. I like how you can just go to any of the staff members if you need help and they provide you with loads of facilities if you’re struggling with assignments or even financial help!
The staff are all really supportive and helpful.