Evie Collier
Primary Education with QTS (BA Hons)

Living abroad has not only given me a skill that I can take with me and continue to develop, but also the confidence to travel abroad and take every opportunity that you can.
What was your overseas opportunity?
I took part in an overseas programme in the University of Jaen, they offered a course on Spanish Language and Culture by the Centre for Higher Studies in Modern Languages. This course provided first-hand experience to Spanish culture through trips to Cordoba and Granada. We had around 80 teaching ours with the rest as free time to explore the sights.
What interested you in an overseas opportunity?
I have always been interested in working abroad and learning new languages, so this was the perfect chance. This was the most amazing experience, to be able to have the chance to live in such a beautiful place.
How did you find out about the opportunity?
I found this opportunity through my lectures; my personal tutor also supported my application.
What did you gain from your experience?
Living abroad has not only given me a skill that I can take with me and continue to develop, but also the confidence to travel abroad and take every opportunity that you can. I have made life-long friendships from Edge Hill but also internationally (Canada, Paris, and Spain).
Were there educational elements to your opportunity, what did you learn?
We took part in 80 teaching hours where we learned the language and elements of the culture in different areas of Spain. We also went on day trips to Cordoba, Granada, and an olive oil museum. The most exciting thing I learned was the culture and history of all the places. I loved being able to communicate with locals which made this experience so much more meaningful.
Has this experience enhanced your employability?
This is an opportunity that not many students are offered which in itself increases your employability, but being able to communicate in another language is a skill that nowadays is so important and favoured.
Has this experience led to further opportunities for you?
It has made me much more confident to travel and take every opportunity that you get!
What do you hope to do when you graduate?
I want to complete my NQT years and move abroad to teach.
Would you recommend this experience to other students and what advice would you give?
Absolutely, this honestly was the most amazing experience of my life and I gained so much from it.