Dr Rob Monks
Head of Adult Nursing
Nursing & Midwifery
Department: Nursing & Midwifery
Email address: [email protected]
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9801-3170 View full profileProfile
My name Dr Rob Monks, and I am a Registered Nurse, Adult Field. I have worked as a Nurse in healthcare organisations in Lancashire and Greater Manchester. I transitioned into higher education 24 years ago initially as a Lecturer at the University of Suffolk, later I moved to the University of Bradford, before moving to the University of Central Lancashire as a Senior Lecturer in 2004. At UCLan I became a Principal Lecturer in Research and Innovation and was Lead Research Degree Tutor for PGR students for the Faculty of Health. I joined Edge Hill University in Jan 2021 and in March 2021 became Associate Head of Department, later becoming Head of Department in February 2023.
As an advocate for evidence-based practice and evidence-based education, I have experience in supervising PhD/Prof Doc students in exploring real world clinical practice issues in acute and critical care. Moreover, I have experience in developing and evaluating innovative approaches to teaching, learning and assessment by undertaking pedagogical evaluations. For example, exploring supervisory processes in PGR students and evaluating Module Assessment Group Supervision. Methodologically, I have experience of using experience-based co-design (EBCD) and have publications in this area. I also have a keen interest in qualitative methodology, particularly Grounded Theory.
My expertise in nurse education ranges from module leader, programme/course leadership, research degree admissions tutor, R&I Lead. Curriculum development lead. Both Pre and Post registration validations and pedagogical evaluations.
I have significant experience in PGR/PhD supervision, supervising many MRes, PhD and Prof Doc’s to successful timely completions. I have examined a range of MRes, PhD’s and Prof Doc’s. I have also chaired PhD exams in supporting new viva voce examiners. I have also supervised numerous MSc taught dissertations. I have also undertaken numerous mock PhD vivas.
I have chaired School and Faculty Research Ethics Committees. I was also an expert member and Chair of Preston HRA NHS Ethics Committee. I have also supported REF with regards to environment and organisation symposia and 3 Minute Thesis for PGR students.
I have refereed for numerous journals. I have published empirical research and discussion pieces in refereed clinical nursing journals and pedagogical journals. I have also presented numerous papers at national and international conferences.
I have responsibility for management and leadership for the Department of Adult Nursing and Primary, particularly meeting the School and Faculties KPIs. I Chair numerous committees in the School of Nursing. I have responsibility for 40 staff in my department and Line Management responsibility for a range of staff grades and responsibilities.
The above demands excellent management, leadership and motivational skills, which have been acquired from my extensive experience of working in the HE sector and partaking in management and leadership training programmes. I am self-motivated, conscientious, and proactive in dealing with challenges by taking a solution focused approach.
Research Interests
Pedagical Research
Critical Care Evaluations
Experiene based Co-Design Methodology
Qualitative Research
Grounded Theory
Pre and post registration Nursing
Acute Care
Research methods