Dr Ghada Nakhla
SL/Reader & Teaching Fellow in Maths
Computer Science
Department: Computer Science
Email address: [email protected]

Ghada has expertise in teaching many branches of Mathematics including Pure and Applied Mathematics. Her current role involves teaching a range of Mathematics modules. She has also developed new undergraduate Mathematics modules including a range of mathematics options offered at Edge Hill University. Ghada is also the Numeracy Coordinator for the Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes at Edge Hill University.
Throughout her career Ghada has achieved several notably achievements. She undertook a secondment at Loughborough University where she researched ways of identifying and addressing students’ mathematical perceptions, strengths and weaknesses in Mathematics. To manage curriculum change and the introduction of functional skills she secured funding from the NCETM to set up a local network of teachers. She also set up an IT network to support other establishments within the consortium in delivering functional skills and shared resources through the network. The aim of the network was to create excellence in teaching and learning as well as to support specialist and non-specialist teachers teaching functional skills. Ghada has special interest in the applications of VLEs in teaching and learning Mathematics as well as extensive knowledge in using several statistical packages including SPSS and Mplus.
Research Interests
Ghada’s research largely focused on the applications of the General Linear Model and Structural Equation Modelling. She has also used Structural Equation Modelling in a variety of educational contexts and utilised Confirmatory and Exploratory Factor analyses to assess the construct validity of research instruments.
Her research interests also extend to the area of fear in and about education. Ongoing projects include the influence of fear of failure on students’ academic motivation and engagement as well as students’ evaluation of perceived fear appeals and the association of fear appeals with students’ overall engagement.
MRes supervisions:
Student: Matthew Greenhalgh
Dissertation Title: The relationship between Academic Achievement in Mathematics and Socioeconomic Status: A second-order Systematic Review.
Student: Amelia Ernest
Dissertation Title: An Investigation into Mathematics Anxiety in Higher Education Students Using the Abbreviated Maths Anxiety Scale (AMAS).
Student: Callum Stokes
Dissertation Title: An Exploration into Mathematics Anxiety in Undergraduate Trainee Teachers.
MA supervisions:
Student: Peter Winter
Dissertation Title: The Impact of Intervention on the Development of Digital Skills within the Further Education Sector.
Student: Richard Hunt
Dissertation Title: Stereotypes of computer science and the impact on belonging for women in computer science education: A Systematic Review.
PhD supervisions:
Student: Amelia Ernest
Dissertation Title: From Mathematics Anxiety to Mathematics Aversion: An investigation of the impact of Maths Anxiety on undergraduate study choice.
Student: Matthew Greenhalgh
Dissertation Title: The influence of external factors on academic achievement in mathematics and how these are affected by socioeconomic status.