Dr Damien Shortt
Associate Head Secondary and Further Education - Learning, Teaching and Assessment and Student Experience
Secondary, Further Education & Training

Department: Secondary, Further Education & Training
Email address: [email protected]

I have worked at Edge Hill University since 2006. Throughout, I have found it to be a fascinating place to work within an equally fascinating sphere of public life. To witness how higher education is formative of, whilst at the same time being shaped by, the social, cultural, economic and political values of our time makes our job a pleasure: a challenge at times, to be sure, but always a pleasure. The opportunity to help contribute to the educational and social development of our future citizens is, in my view, a privelege.
Before joining Edge Hill University, I worked for several years at an international school in Switzerland, teaching English, Classical Studies, and Media. Prior to that, I was an electrician: which was a career that I found illuminating.
Research Interests
I have an eclectic range of research interests. My original PhD work was focussed on identity and its social, political, and cultural formation and manifestation. I have also undertaken considerable work in various aspects of education practice and policy, including: intitial teacher education and training; learning outside the classroom; pedagogy and education policy.
My current research focus is on the influence and impact of populist politics (from both the left and right of the political spectrum) on education policy and practice.
In my higher education career so far, I have taught across a range of disciplines and sub-disciplines. Within education, I have taught philosophy of education, sociology of education, general education studies, comparative education. Within English studies, I have taught literary theory, Romanticism, Shakepeare studies, Modernism, Film and Literature, contemporary literature, and TESOL/EAL.
Additionally, I have supervise a number of PhD students, with two having so far successfully completed their doctoral studies and a further two approaching completion very soon.