Denise Dutton
SL for Apprenticeships & End Point Assmt
Faculty Office
Department: Faculty Office
Email address: [email protected] View full profileProfile
I qualified as a podiatrist from the University of Salford in 2007, where I took a keen interest in teaching and learning in health and social care as well as quality of health care. I, then went onto work for the Primary Care Trust in a quality role and as lead for AHPs on the Clinical Executive Committee. From there I gained a job at the National Instititute for Health and Social Care Excellene (NICE) developing quality standards and clincial guidelines. It was my interst in quality that led me to working for Health Education England, developing capacity and innovative placement models for nursing and AHP placements as well as establishing Primary Care Training Hubs in Cheshire and Merseyside. I started working at Edge Hill as a Practice Education Lecturer where I have worked as both a nursing and allied health PEL. I have completed my PGCHTHE and my focuses on a particular interest in nursing placements in Primary Care and PIVO sector. I am currently the lead for End Point Assessment for Apprenticeships at Edge Hill University and I am compelting my Professional Doctorate in the Experience of Nursing Associate Apprentices in the NHS.
Research Interests
My research interests focus around the provision of Preparation for Practice in Primary Care Training Hubs and the use of innovative placements models in Primary, Independent and Social Care.
My Professional Doctorate focuses on the experience of Nursing Associate Apprentices in the NHS.
I previosuly taught Standards for Student Supervision anf Assessment to external practice partners and taught on the integrated Masters programme for nursing and social work. I currently teach the End Point Assessment module for Advanced Clinical Practice.