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Guidance for website editors

General tips

Some basic tips on how to edit pages, blocks and other settings.

Log in to WordPress

Visit and click the “Login using Edge Hill University SSO” button to open the WordPress dashboard.


New pages can be created on the WordPress dashboard via Pages > Add New. You can edit existing pages under Pages > All Pages and you’ll only be able to edit pages that you have access to.

Useful editor settings

List-view button (menu)
Settings button
Parent page
Headings and “on this page” navigation menu
Hiding pages from search

Blocks overview

Block editor basics video

WordPress Gutenberg Tutorial: How to easily work with the block editor (video)

Adding a block

Access the list of available blocks by clicking the + icon at the top-left corner of the screen. You can also more quickly add a specific block by typing “/” on a new blank line and then the name of the block.

The Paragraph block is the default, so you can paste in some standard text and it will be added as a series of Paragraph blocks.

Block patterns

Some blocks are formatted using a combination of the Column block and a specific content block, like EHU Card blocks. In these instances, we have created a block pattern, so that you can quickly add the layout without having to create it manually.

These can be accessed by clicking the + icon at the top-left corner of the screen and then the “Patterns” tab. The “Three Cards” block pattern is particularly useful and commonly used on landing pages.

Block styles, variants and options

Some blocks have alternative styles to control their formatting, as they can be used for different purposes. Standard Paragraph blocks use the “Default” block style by default, but the first line of introductory text on a page should use the “Intro Text” block style. You can access block styles in the Block sidebar on the right-hand side tab under “Styles”.

Groups of blocks

You can also group several blocks together, so that you can move and rearrange them more easily. Shift-select several blocks in the editor, click the three dots icon on the toolbar and select “Group”. You can then drag and drop the group in the List view sidebar.

Scheduling groups of blocks to show/hide

You can show or hide a group of blocks. Select the group, either in the block editor or the List view sidebar. Using the Block tab in the Settings sidebar on the right-hand side, scroll down to “Visibility”. Use the From/To controls to schedule when this group of blocks appears, or use the “Hide when schedule applies” toggle to control when they’re hidden.

Anchor links

You may want to link people directly to a specific part of your webpage. To do this, you’ll need to create a HTML anchor first. Click any heading or paragraph on your page to select it. In the Block settings sidebar on the right-hand side, click “Advanced” and enter a single-word, lowercase phrase into the “HTML Anchor” textbox. You can then link to that section of your webpage like this: For example, click the following link to return to the block editor video on this page.


Alternative text

Any image that’s uploaded to the media library needs to have alternative (alt) text describing its purpose, unless it’s purely decorative. Check out this useful guide to help you decide if an image is decorative or if it needs alt text.

Accepted resolutions

All images uploaded to the media library should have a 16:9 aspect ratio. The only exception is staff and student profile images, that can have a 1:1 aspect ratio. Recommended resolutions are detailed below:

Aspect ratioDimensions
16:91920 x 1080px
1:11080 x 1080px (only for staff or student profile photos)

File sizes

All images uploaded to the media library should be less than 300kb and 500kb max. Busier images might need to be larger to not look compressed when used in an EHU Cover block, but there will be few instances where images need to be larger than 500kb.


We’ve set up several taxonomies to describe the content of standard pages. These should be populated using the existing fields, if you require new fields to be added please contact the Digital Content team.

Taxonomies can be populated by checking the relevant box under the audience, topic or content type heading in the Settings sidebar on the right-hand side.

Content Type

Event specific taxonomies

Event Category

News specific taxonomies

News Type

In addition to the above and if applicable, you can relate a piece of content with one or more departments and/or subject areas.

Related DepartmentAcademic or non-academic department associated with this content (if applicable).
Related SubjectAcademic subject associated with this content (if applicable).

Section menus and quick links

Separate areas of the website need their own section menus. These appear below the header and above the breadcrumb bar on desktop:

Section navigation menu

There are two customisable menus for each section – one for navigation menus (the hamburger “In this section ≡” menu) and another, optional menu for quick links (Undergraduate, Postgraduate etc). These can be edited manually in Navigation > Menus. Follow the naming conventions, “<site-name> section” and “<site-name> quick links”, respectively eg “Biology section” and “Biology quick links”.

To attribute a pair of section menus to a homepage, scroll below the block editor section to find the Page Menu area. Click the “Is Section” checkbox and select the relevant “Section” and “Quick Links” menus from the drop-down menus:

Page Menu information

Any child pages will inherit the menus of their parent section, so it’s important to set the Parent page correctly.

Section and Quick Links menus can be defined in Appearance > Menus on the main dashboard.