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After you leave

Returning home

Before returning to your home country there are many practical things you will need to do to ensure any loose ends are tied up and returning home is a seamless as possible. Below is a list of some points to consider:

  • Book your tickets for travel as early as possible to ensure you get a flight that is convenient for you and not too expensive. Shop around for the best price, some travel agents, such as STA Travel, offer deals specifically for students.
  • You will probably have many more belongings now than when you arrived and may need to ship some things home.
  • If you have been working in the UK you may be eligible for a tax or NI refund. For more information visit HMRC website.
  • Inform your accommodation provider of your date of departure. If you are in private rented accommodation you will likely need to give at least one month notice, so please ensure you inform your landlord as soon as possible.

You may need to inform the following people of your departure and cancel any dealings you have with them:

  • Employer
  • Bank
  • Doctor/Dentist
  • Electricity/Gas/Water (if living off-campus)
  • Communication companies (e.g. mobile phone)
  • Your dependant’s school

For further information about returning home please read the UK Council for international student affairs information sheet.

Adjusting to life at home

Many international students find it difficult to adjust to life back in their home country, especially if they have been in the UK for a long time. Some students face ‘reverse culture shock’ and find it difficult to adapt to life in their home country. For more information on how to help yourself overcome culture shock please visit UKCISA culture shock information sheet.


After all the hard work and studying you can finally relax and celebrate your success at your graduation ceremony. All students who wish to attend a graduation ceremony will need to register their attendance and hire robes for the event.

If you would like to attend your graduation then you need to register in advance to ensure you get a place.

Dates and details about graduation can be found here.

Academic registry will send information regarding your ceremony to student’s home address several weeks prior to the event. International students who have home addresses abroad may wish to check the home address which Edge Hill holds for you on your student profile through the GO portal. If the postal service to your home country is slow you may wish to inform academic registry of a different address so you get the information pack in time and do not miss the deadline for registration.

Using your degree

You haven’t studied hard whilst at Edge Hill for no reason and you will be looking forward to using the skills and qualifications gained at Edge Hill in your future life. The careers service at EHU is here to help both current students and those recent graduates find their perfect job and help point them in the right direction.

The careers service can offer one-to-one meetings with an adviser up to a year after graduation and email advice up to three years after graduation.

Future study

We regularly have international students who decide to either extend their studies with us, or decide they would like to come back in the future.

The International office is happy to speak to students, whether this is assisting them with the application process, arranging a meeting with the subject department or discussing our competitive scholarships options.

If you would like to speak to us about this please contact us on [email protected].